Hello readers!
Should I refer to you as a reader? I don’t know. Maybe one of these days I’ll come up with something that sticks. Welcome to the “Get to Know Me” post! I always enjoy answering these or sharing facts about myself because:
It’s actually so difficult for me to find facts about myself to share with others. I go for the very obvious eye color or other physical traits.
I like finding new things about myself that I like to share with people… and then try to remember them so I can use them another time. Also, this helps mark where I am, my growth and exploration in life.
There is more than meets the eye. I don’t know if because I’m an introvert or if I’m hard to approach, but I would like people to know more about me because I got layers! (Figuratively). Maybe I just crave for deeper conversations and connections.
So… to start, I asked my friends for some questions they would like to ask others (to get to know them). The way their mind works never disappoints haha. However, forewarning, some questions are quite deep.
1. What is my clumsiest moment?
I… have bad luck with fences. If you have been a very close friend or family of mine. You know about my hilarious misfortunes with fences. It’s sooooo embarrassing. I’m a petite person standing at 4 feet and about 11 inches tall. My first encounter was when I was in 5th grade at my friend’s house. We were walking home from school and we decided to enter from their backyard fence. There was a hole in my jeans in the inner thigh area from chaffing. As I climbed over the fence, the fence caught on to the hole and when I fell down, you guessed it. My jeans ripped down from the inside. We had to run to my house in her coat wrapped around me. It was so hilarious.
Skipping to a third incident in college. My friends and I were at a house party and there was an incident that involved the cops. We all ran to the backyard where there was a 6-7 ft wooden fence. My friends helped boost my butt over to the other side. (Shoutout to Ying Her) I was too focused making it over the fence that I didn’t look where to land. I remember my body rolling down like Peter Griffin rolling down the hill, and I hear broken twigs underneath me. (Shoutout to the neighbor’s bushes)
After that day, I made a vow to never ever climb over fences. We. Are. Done.
Fences 3 – Me 0
2. What are my hobbies?
Film. I loveeeee films. I love to explore different genres and discussing them. I love promoting and supporting films. I own a DVD/Digital collection. I even have my own film review page, The Movies with May See, I’m not a critic, but I am a cinephile.
Dance. I have danced since I was 10 years old starting with Hmong dance. Then Korean Pop dance, hip hop, High School Poms, and into my college years. Even a little bit after I left college when I went on tour with Maa Vue, an amazing Hmong American artist and friend. I have choreographed pretty much my whole life and that is the process I love most. I have considered choosing dance as a career and I thought about enrolling into a Dance major. But there is one thing I hate… and that is repetition. I won’t go into that haha. I consider dance to be my first love. I feel like no matter where I am in life, my soul will always return to dance and even right now, my soul bugs me to start choreographing again. But I’m lazy and stubborn at the moment.
Art. I feel like this is a skill that I’ve lost throughout my adult years because I don’t practice it often. Watercolor and acrylic painting, in general, is difficult for me. I love sketching. I love making things with my hands. I used to make 3D homes and structures when I was interested in interior architecture. I’ve done glasswork once in high school and loved it. And photography? Well, you know that history if you’re on this website. Photography has always been in my family, but I really explored it when I was in college.
Pajntaub. I don’t know if this should fall under art, but I picked up sewing our lovely Hmong textiles as a young girl from my mother. I have basic knowledge on the sewing machine, but not enough to sew a whole actual outfit. Maybe when I’m 40-year-old mother status. I find sewing pajntaub to be such a therapeutic activity. If I didn’t have so much to do, I probably would just sew every night to a podcast or music.
I think I’m taking a while on my hobbies, so I’ll just list the rest:
Video games
Vlogging/Content Creating
Taekwondo – this is a new hobby I’m exploring!
Napping – my favorite.
3. What is/are my best moments?
I am not sure what this entails but I suppose I’ll mention the moments where I felt accomplished:
Spelling Bees. I’ve participated in 2 Spelling Bees in my life. The first in First grade where I won. The second time was in middle school. I think I made it to top 10 but misspelled “helicopter”. I choked. Great experiences, nonetheless.
Performing on stage. May it be a Drag show or cultural event on college campus, I loved being on stage dancing because I felt the confident me come out. I also did a few plays and musicals and even though I messed up, the journey was amazing.
Every moment on my photography journey. From starting, practicing, opening a Facebook page, receiving my business cards to making my own contracts have been a celebratory moment. Some days were hard, but I wouldn’t be here today if I didn’t have those days to reflect and get it together.
Loving myself. Meant choosing myself. And that’s pretty straight forward.
Choosing love. Over fear. Over hate. Over darkness. Love always win.
Traveling. It is truly a privilege that I get to see the world. It’s never a comfortable process but it is rewarding, and I did that.
4. What is my favorite adventure?
Climbing over fences. I’m kidding.
I’m such a grandma now. I plan my trips, but I leave room for flexibility. I don’t prefer spontaneous thrills but if you catch me in a good mood, I’m down for whatever. Practicing “be like water” helps my anxiousness. Just please don’t land us in jail or at the bottom of a cliff.
But what’s been my favorite adventure so far? As cliché as this sounds, I think the journey of self-discovery and self-love has been my favorite adventure thus far. All the trips I’ve taken around the world were great, but none can be compared to the work I have done within myself. Life is truly an adventure when you learn to love yourself, explore your strengths and weaknesses and witness the growth.
5. What is my most frightening moment?
My most frightening moment in my life was knowing I could lose my little sister any day that she was hospitalized. I can only imagine what she was going through, but this is a trauma I kind of buried just to pull through. In 2019, my sister was hospitalized for almost half the year due to unknown reasons. Every day she was at our local hospital, I would visit her right after work. I was on autopilot for many months and going to the hospital became the norm for me. On top of that, my mother with limited English was by her side when she transferred to a bigger hospital two hours away. I was terrified for the both of them but knowing at least my mom was there with her made it just a tiny bit of comforting. My sister is doing a lot better now. Thinking about it now, I don’t know how I even managed to put out content like podcasts during those months.
6. What do I desire most?
To put it straightforward, what I desire most is to start a family with my life partner. To be with someone wholeheartedly and mindfully, where we can take care of and support each other. Someone to grow with. Go through life’s challenges and milestones together. I desire to be a mother one day. Until then, I will continue to do my life’s work and have trust in the universe.
7. What do I want in life? And how do I want to live it?
In life, I just want to know that I did my best with what I was given and what I achieved to the best of my abilities. I want to leave a legacy and impact to my communities, my friends and family. Ultimately, to be remembered as someone who was kind and loving and who shared their light with this world. Be kind to one another. Have compassion. Learn from my mistakes. Pass on my knowledge and wisdom. Sharing my existence with everyone. I’m not trying to be a saint. I am human. And I will have the human experience of love and loss, joy and sadness, beauty and suffering, life and death. That’s more than I can ask for.
8. Why do I want to live? And what would I die for?
As I became an adult, there were a few serious moments where I wanted to give up, but I know that wasn’t the solution. Thankfully, I am an optimist. I knew there was always going to be a light at the end of the tunnel. I knew I had to find my reason(s) to live. They didn’t always have to be the same reasons but as long as it was something. One of them was to live long enough to be a mother of my child. Another reason was music, then another reason was to live long enough to witness my changes. I wanted to see who I was going to be 6 months from now. Isn’t that beautiful? To be saved by your future self.
I’m in a good place and headspace right now, but recently I realized… how sad it would be if anything were to happen to me, because I don’t want to leave my mom alone. No one would care and love for my mom as much as I do. She would be heartbroken, and she’s already gone through so much in her life. So I live for her.
Alright, that’s enough trauma dumping on you readers. I do apologize if what I wrote were triggering, offensive or too vulnerable for you. I hope you know I’ve been there before and you’re not alone. Thank you for making it this far. Please feel free to answer the questions yourself I would love to hear about you, even if you answer anonymously. Also, feel free to ASK ME ANYTHING. I’m pretty sure you learned A LOT about me now. Once again, THANK YOU.
With love, May See