Hello everyone!
Today, I bring to you a recent photo session that was just for fun. Meet my coworker, Emily, and her horses. She is one of the ballroom instructors I work with but she was a former horse competitor and currently owns two horses: Rider & Mercedes. Emily is such a hard worker because every morning before the studio, she visits the horse farm. So, I have been very curious and took a peek into her horse life.

On a beautiful Saturday afternoon, I paid them a visit. She showed me around the stable and what her usual tasks were. This location was in Cedarburg, Wisconsin. A beautiful, peaceful spot. I can see why she loves it out here with the horses. I never was around big mammals growing up, although my parents and family practically grew up in agriculture and the farm. I rode the ponies when I was younger but haven't been around horses in over 20 years... or maybe never. So I have to say, I was a bit hesitant when meeting her horses. I didn't want to surprise them but they were majestic and docile. Emily said Mercedes was very photogenic. She's the horse that will be in our photos. She really was a sweetheart. Emily's princess.
Oh, and they had a beautiful farm cat meowing around.

One day, when I am up for it, I would like to ride a horse and understand their nature. As a young girl, I never understood the horse craze and why every little girl wanted one. Even now, Ken is crazy about horses. Thank you again, Emily, for showing me around. Thank you for showing me your love for horses and how well you treat them. It was a treat :)
I hope you all enjoyed the photos and today's blog!
