Hello readers! It's truly been a while since I have last wrote. There are so many things to say as I allowed myself to process and go through the changes since February.
New Job | In February, I decided to take on a professional career change. For the past half year, I have been craving for something new. I did not feel challenged enough and honestly, did not care much for the work that I was doing. For a few years, I have been sitting in front of a computer screen for 8 hours a day following the same monotonous routine. And that really killed my creative brain. I wanted to manifest a new job that would provide creative freedom. Something that would finally put my creative ideas and juices to use.
I decided to be patient. Another thing I wanted to do was build my skillsets. I decided that marketing was something that I could improve on in my photography business. So I did just that. I enrolled in a certificate course online and took in as much knowledge as I could.
And in the middle of that, I literally spoke this new job opportunity to existence. It is crazy and miraculous how life works. A beautiful friend, that I made online during the pandemic, announced on Facebook that her workplace was hiring a social media marketing manager. I messaged her immediately and asked about the position. She knew I would be perfect for the job and then strongly recommended me to her manager. Long story short, through a whole month-long process of high anxiety and being MORE patient... I am where I am today.
I wish I could say the transition was easy
But it truly wasn't. Pros of this new job was higher pay, new beginnings, new experiences and moving out on my own. However, the cons... moving further away from my parents and paying for rent haha. When I applied for the new job, it was like hiding this big secret until things were finalized. As hard as it was to carry it all, in the end, my family was generally supportive and happy for me. As for my parents, we both took it hard. I cried. I didn't want to leave my parents because of the current health situation. My mom didn't want me to leave her. The hardest thing I had to do was say goodbye to my dad, who was at this time, bedridden. But the moment of peace and letting go I had, was when I told myself...
It doesn't matter if I stay or go, my parents will still leave eventually.
And so should I. That is just how life works. So I accepted things and moved forward. I couldn't look back anymore.
Loss | Then... two days after I moved and started my new job, my dad passed away. Four days before my 32nd birthday. At first, I thought it was my fault or my doing that made my dad finally leave this world. But I have been comforted by the words of my friends and family... maybe he left because he knew that I could finally start a new beginning and take care of myself. Whatever the universe's reasons are... I know deep-heartedly that my dad is watching over me and protecting me. As long as he is no longer suffering. I feel his good spirit, his strength, his smiles down on me. My father raised a strong and ambitious daughter.
It has been a terribly lonely, tough past two months of adjusting, processing, and grieving period for me but... I know I am doing better. Things are looking up. My work quality has improved and I am connecting with so many new people. After the dark storm, I was able to enjoy the sunny days. I know am where I am meant to be... as hard as it is to accept. But I know I am not alone and that makes me strong.
Thank you for reading on my life updates! Photography is still in the game, so please book me soon before I get even more busy!!

Congrats on this new journey and I'm so sorry for your loss. Wishing you abundance my friend.