Hello readers!

Welcome to a new website and back to my blogs! If you didn’t know, when I first started my photography website somewhere in 2016-2017, I included blogs. However, I started to feel as if I didn’t have much to write. I didn’t really know how to talk about my photos and my process.
Writing and words are my strength. It is my love language and I believe that there is a power that words hold. However, I also know my weaknesses when it comes to writing. I don’t elaborate or include details enough. I am a big-picture type of person. But there’s a strength in that. I learn to choose the right words that best represents what I’m trying to convey. A thing that holds me back is feeling like a burden and feeling awkward when I take too much of other people’s time when I talk. I also don’t like the attention on me.
It’s weird because I’m a stage performer, but that is something different within itself. When I dance, I feel a whole new me. My confidence comes out. I have music to guide me. Did I choose the wrong outlet? Haha. Maybe I should be dancing instead of writing. I’m kidding. I believe there are different spaces that I can express myself with and they can all co-exist. I am just multi-faceted, multi-dimensional and multi-talented!
But back to weaknesses, whereas I like to write and visualize with words… I am more nervous when I must bring the words and texts into sounds. I begin to lose my breath as I speak. Choosing words becomes a blind, mental process. But it’s a good challenge. We can’t always be prepared to know the right words to say. The challenge is to think on the spot. Another concern I have with my voice is… is this authentically me? I realize that I reflect a lot with the person I’m conversing with. So, I’m learning to express through my authentic voice. With writing, it’s easy because it’s just me and a blank space. I think the best way to express my authentic voice was through podcasting. Just talking to a microphone. That’s why when I started to do solo podcasting, my friends said I sounded different. I realized then, that was my authentic voice. She’s calm, collected, yet quirky. No other energy besides my own.
So, podcasting was what I did for years after I stopped blogging. In 2018, I opened a podcast with a dear friend of mine called, Sharing an Evolution. This was a podcast filled with vulnerability and self-love. We shared our experiences and growth in our late 20’s exploring self-love, self-discovery, dating and especially healing. It ran for 2 years and it was such a fun, eye-opening, precious chapter of my life. Having a podcast allowed me to be open and vulnerable, which I really don’t have an issue with.
If you know me in person, I love sharing about who I am and what I experience. This is the style of writing or blogging that I will be putting out in the rolling future. I am just open and expressive. (Bonus: If you’re into natal charts and astrology, my Mercury, the planet of how we communicate, is in Pisces along with my Pisces Sun. So, I speak and express poetically and romantically.) I own who I am. I have done a lot of inner work and continue to, to become a confident, mindful person. I don’t believe in perfection so my personality, mindset, goals will always be in a process of refining. Simply, growth. In fact, I am THE most imperfect, unpredictable, moody person you will ever meet. I can’t with myself sometimes.
So, what does all of this have to do with my photography work? Haha. With my photography website and blog, I hope to, once again, write about the process of my photography. How I felt during and after my work. How I feel about my creative process and struggles. Explore who I am as a photographer and artist. No one asked… but it will be here. And if you’re reading this, I thank you for taking the interest and time to even read. If there is anything you’d like me to talk about, please feel free to suggest!
Most importantly, I just want to write. I made a promise myself to bring back writing this year. It will be good for my mind and soul. She (my intuition) just kept urging and poking at me to just write! So here we are! I want to give a shoutout to Vlai Ly, a Hmong-American writer that I greatly admire. I reached out to him for any advice or tips when it comes to writing. He advised to create a writing habit and when I write, just full-out write. Pour it all out and then revise after. So, I think I did just that on the first blog I hope you enjoyed it. I know this post was all over the place, very much like my mind. There's just so much I want to tell you! Onwards.
What is one skill you would like to hone in 2023? Please feel free to share.
With love, May See
would love to see that hmong outfit displayed!