Hello readers!
Another wedding in the books! I am super honored for Ya & Noobhlis to have had me photograph their wedding day! It is kinda funny how this came about. Noobhlis AKA Noble Xiong is my Lash Lady! She does my lash extensions and when I told her I was a photographer, they looked into my work and hired me to do the job! Months came down to this spectacular day. The venue took place in Hartford, Wisconsin joined by family from near and far. Noobhlis's bridesmaids were her sisters and best friends. Ya's groomsmen were his friends and possibly relatives.

Like any Hmong wedding, it had a slow morning but was soon joined by tens that filled the venue. Children, food, laughter and drinks filled the place. Sometimes it was difficult following the couple, but it meant that the two were really loved and respected. The speeches were heartwarming and wholesome. The bride's speech, especially, brought tears to my eyes. I am very happy for Noobhlis to have found the love of her life and to have such a beautiful wedding. Months before the event, she told me about how detailed she was from the design to the program. I give her so much credit. And her bridesmaids were helpful and understanding throughout the whole process.
Of course, not all wedding days will follow according to plan so it is best to just flow along the schedule. I am really good with that. However, I always make sure to have important shots in the back of my mind (or have it in hand) because the bride will also be busy dealing with a million other things. I am so thankful to have worked with Noobhlis who had no issues whenever I suggested it was time for specific things. Always check in with your wedding couple. She made the wedding process fun and enjoyable because that's the person Noobhlis is.

I have learned what heart of gold and kindness she has, despite her hearty laugh and boss personality. On top of that, her supportive husband who allows her to be whoever she may. That is when you know it is real love. I love learning about the becoming and overcoming of relationships and love stories, and I am fortunate to have gotten to know Noobhlis and Ya's.

I am glad we got these photos in because later in the evening it started to rain, which was unexpected. The photos turned out beautiful and I am glad her and her husband enjoyed them. May they look back to this day with fondness, and to remember all the loved ones that joined them.
Thank you again, Ya and Noobhlis, for having me! Congratulations!
